Chronic Illness · Coping Tools · CRPS/RSD · Dealing with Pain · Writings

I Am A Bad Patient

I Am A Bad Patient. The Fear of Advocating I am 36 years old. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker. An advocate. A friend who loves laughter. A writer. A traveler. An animal lover. A sister. A daughter. A fierce woman. An Educator. I am also a patient with chronic excruciating pain. I live with a… Continue reading I Am A Bad Patient

Chronic Illness · CRPS/RSD · Writings

Finding Inspiration in Warriors: The day that my CRPS did not win

Finding Inspiration in Warriors: The day that my CRPS did not win Sometimes when harsh realities of the world and the pain within my body come crashing down on me; I can’t see any hope in the future. I feel that I am lost, stumbling in the dark trying to find a light. A match.… Continue reading Finding Inspiration in Warriors: The day that my CRPS did not win

Mental Health · Mindful Mondays · Relationships · Uncategorized · Writings

Mindful Mondays: Being Present in Your Life

Here we are, we made it through another week!! You are probably finding yourselves shifting back into your routine after the holidays. You may even be trying to hang onto some resolution goals that you made for the new year.  Give yourself a pat on the back!! This is one of the hardest week for most… Continue reading Mindful Mondays: Being Present in Your Life

CRPS/RSD · Writings

Strong. Fierce. Me.

So the insurance had said no to a recent request for a Ketamine Infusion and apparently the medical/insurance world closes down during the holidays. As you know, I was devastated upon hearing that news. I was in fear of the unknown and felt that so many things were out of my control. (Read more here).… Continue reading Strong. Fierce. Me.

CRPS/RSD · Mental Health · Relationships · Writings

Darkness is Thick Comfort is Jagged

I wish I could see past the darkness of tonight. See into the morning light and find some hope to hang onto. This is when I tend to make my biggest moves, take the most risk and scariest leaps from what is familiar because what is familiar is not longer working to better my life.… Continue reading Darkness is Thick Comfort is Jagged